Monday, February 14, 2011

Scapula pain

Scapula Pain

Scapula pain are minor muscle strains that occur because of muscle tightness or slight muscle imbalances. Fortunately, these are easily treated with simple exercises to mobilize the scapula and strengthen the major muscles that hold it in place.
Back pain is most of the time caused by three muscle, or muscle groups; the quadratus lumborum, the piriformis located in the gluts, and the paraspinals, which are the muscle which ar elocated on both sides of the spine. Many times a few massage session can be enough to treat the pain. Preliminary examinations may also require the thoracic spine, neck and the upper back. In case that the doctor is not sure of the diagnostic, he may require a mri scan to determine the cause of the scapular pain.
The most common treatments of the scapular pain are the painkillers, anti-inflammation medication, manipulation of neck or thoracic spine, acupuncture, physical therapy, physiotherapy and others.Many times a few massage session can be enough to treat the pain. A weekly massage is an amazing way to prevent disease and reduce your stress level, so that you are less likely to sufer pain and injury.
Doing exercices at least three times a week, just a few minutes can be enough can go a long way to strengthen these important muscles for pain prevention. The exercice consists in bending down with or without weights touching your feet, and back up.